The Hernando DeSoto Bridge ... ah, Memphis. I do miss you when I'm gone.
Mud, mud everywhere. And this was taken early in the day. It turned from mud to slop.

Note the backs of their pants. Later in the day, the mud was so deep and wet, someone took a step in my vicinity, and I wound up with mud on my hand. It splashed that high!
So serious. ... Doesn't he know what his hat looks like?
Amos Lee performing on the Sam's Town stage. He was amazing, as usual.
This past weekend, we went to Memphis for the last day of the 2009 Beale Street Music Festival. It was solid rain all day, but we were happy. Bonnie Raitt, Snoop Dogg, Amos Lee, James Taylor and more, all on one day. And it didn't hurt that I was able to score free tickets and spots in the Memphis Flyer VIP tent. Free beer!! Free barbecue!! Clean port-o-potties!!
The mud and rain were so intense, we lined the car seats with plastic bags and made a pit stop at my parents' house before heading home so we could shower and wash our clothes. The mud in my shoes alone was about two millimeters thick. Whatever, though. We had a great time. I had never been, and I feel like a better Memphian for having experienced it.